15 Years of Yes, No, and Trusting My Gut

Now that I am at the 15-year milestone in my career, I have the advantage of looking back and assessing how I got to where I am now. When I boil it down, here’s the 5 essential things that helped me get from A to B; the mindsets that paved the way to the present day.

How to Eat the Whole Cake

Something I have seen again and again with my visionary clients is that they can see the big vision, but they have trouble getting started. Often, they can imagine the goal so clearly that all the steps that come before are not only unclear, the steps are often draining and overwhelming.

Use This Game-Changing Phrase

Stating what you think if important is number one. Trust me when I say it’s not about ego, it’s about ensuring that you are being understood and that your vision for the business is being upheld.

Do You Have Empathy Fatigue?

Are you suffering from empathy fatigue? When your greatest asset - your compassion, consideration of others, and thoughtfulness - is simply wearing you out. What has happened is that empathy, this essential skill, has overpowered your authority with your team, leaving you exhausted and your team entitled, flighty and spoiled. Instead of empowered, committed and collaborative

Avoiding Warm Body Syndrome

It’s that time of yearwhen your business is busier than ever, you have full dining rooms, abundant parties and events, and a team of tired and overworked managers. So when a decent candidate comes along, you jump and hire him or her on the spot. You have just hired a warm body…someone who is willing and able but who simply has little relative experience to bring to the job at hand.

Yes, You Can Turn Back Time

One of the harder problems managers face when they’re actively working on improving themselves, is not being perfect all of the time. So when you do slip up it is possible to turn back time and rewind the past.

Share your State

Adding a status report to your repertoire can adjust the culture of leadership in your business. It removes the blinders so that you can see clearly what each member of your management team is doing and it illuminates the progress that your business and leadership team as a whole is making.

Eliminate These 3 Words From Your Leadership Language

As a leader you have an indelible impact on those around you. Your team is especially tuned in to what you say and how you say it. So it’s incredibly important to be attentive to the words you use regularly. Here are 3 words every leader must remove from their language in order to be more articulate, effective and precise with their teams.

Say Good-Bye to "Yes Chef"

While it started out as a way to maintain order and demonstrate respect, the “yes chef” culture has become the default setting in many professional kitchens. “Yes chef” is an outdated archetype that no longer serves the people who it was meant to help: chefs.

Why Hospitality Pros Have Trouble Leading Others

Hospitality is an essential value in your company, but business acumen is the leading principle for success in the hospitality industry. A majority of my clients - all hospitality pros - have the same issue: their sense of hospitality has become too powerful and it overshadows other, crucial leadership skills.