Realizing the Dream

Realizing the Dream

Way back in 2008, just a year after starting my consulting company, I had a vision: of becoming a speaker. When I investigated how to break into this field I realized that one doesn’t just become a speaker overnight; it takes years to build up a reputation and become a respected voice. In fact, one of the prerequisites of a successful speaking career is having multiple publications (articles and a book) and this information inspired me to write my book “Hello!.

Many years later, not only have I written my book and numerous articles I have also embarked on a speaking career….fulfilling my vision of speaking to audiences and sharing my message. When I reflect on this time I can’t help but wonder: What does it take to realize a dream? To achieve a goal? To fulfill one’s vision?

For me, it was a regimen of steady and consistent work. Of taking every opportunity to get in front of people to share what I know. To risk failure and embarrassment (oh yes, I had some less-than-stellar experiences and got mud on my face). To push past assumptions and anxiety to get up and try again (my first work on video was not easy, I had to overcome quivering lips and shaking knees each time). But mostly I constantly kept my eyes on the prize: becoming the person I knew I could be.

In 2018 I was very proud to complete my speaking reel with the help and expertise of my old friend Jamie Kohen (Bright Eyed Media). She brought together highlights from my many speaking engagements and video training sessions and was able to capture my message of humanity & self-improvement and feature my two passions: customer experience and leadership.

Now, in 2019, I am still honing my vision: to motivate and inspire others through sharing what i know. Every part of my work life is about these two concepts: connecting and sharing. I hope you enjoy my reel and can take something from my message of uplift and empowerment. I know, without a doubt, it is possible to achieve your goals and fulfill your vision. You can expect to realize all the dreams you hold dear

You're #1

You're #1

Start YOUR New Year off Right

Start YOUR New Year off Right