Talking to Strangers

We often think that regulars are the lifeblood of the restaurant business, and they are. But strangers are at the heart of hospitality. These first timers deserve your full your attention; you need to make a concerted effort to connect with your new guests.

The Power of Curiosity (Listening Part II)

Next time, when you’re with someone who is seeking your counsel, use your curiosity to coax out the details. You may have to actively remind yourself not to give advice or share how you would approach the situation; instead you must stay in the seat of the listener.

The Scary Truth: Holiday Menus

In my experience I have seen competent teams buckle under the stress of serving a seemingly easy menu for a special holiday. Doing something different for just one night can create stress and chaos; for the kitchen, the service team and also the guest. I spoke to Wade Moises, the Executive Chef of Rosemary’s about his experience in creating special holiday menus.

Listening: Your Leadership Superpower

Listening is a skill, one that you can practice every day. The best way to become a better listener by asking more questions, in particular “open questions.” Open questions are essential to inviting someone else to talk and are the best way to keep yourself in the listener’s seat.

Awesome is Dead: Disrupt HR NYC - 5 Minute Speech

It’s really hard to “be awesome.” It’s just not a directive anyone can follow with any consistency. But when you ask your team to “be decent to others.” well, that’s when the magic happens.

Watch the video and read the text of my 5 minute speech, “Awesome is Dead,” that I presented in May at Disrupt HR NYC.

5 Things to Improve Your Service Right Now

Summer is the time when things ramp up, seemingly overnight. Guests descend on your restaurant, hungry and looking for a great experience and your service team starts running.  Action can be a good thing, but you must ensure that your team is still delivering on the service experience your guests expect.  Here are 5 things you can share with your team members so that they make service a priority.

Strategic Interrupting: Connecting with Confidence

There is a convention in the restaurant business called “touching tables.” It is a term that means checking in with the guests as they are seated at their tables in order to make contact, say hello, field questions or gain feedback. It takes practice to find effortless ways to do this essential part of the job and it is a skill you can build and grow as you become a more confident manager. 

Silence is Worth the Effort

Silence is a powerful tool. I use it in my coaching practice and in teaching and speaking engagements. Silence creates space, silence creates room to think and ponder, silence takes time and silence is a choice. 

Happiness is Following

Following is about intent. We all have relationships where we can be the passenger from time to time; where we can relax and let someone else make decisions for us and for our well-being. But actively following is a little bit different from letting your friend choose the wine or the restaurant. Following is an active state, one that is essential to the leadership dynamic.